Welcome to ZippyTrader classifieds. ZippyTrader was designed from the ground up to be just a little different than most online classifieds. The first thing you will notice is that you don't have to share any personal information. A valid email address is all you need to place an ad in most categories. Some high-risk categories may require a phone number. All ads are free, so there is no need for credit card information. Another thing you will notice is there are no forums, chat rooms, or adult categories. We strive to be family-friendly.
You will also notice that ZippyTrader gives every town its own classifieds based on ZIP code.We don't send you to the nearest big city. You can shop right in your own town or hundreds of miles around. It's up to you.
To post an ad simply fill out the ad form. Click the verification link in the email that will be sent to you and your ad will online in a matter of minutes in most cases. If your ad doesn't appear right away it may have been sent to be reviewed one of our security specialists. Don't take it personally. Our anti-spam and anti-scam filters are very sensitive for maximum security. Ads are normally reviewed and released within an hour.
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