When posting items for sale it can be tempting to post several different items in one ad and be done with it. While it's perfectly OK to do this for a yard sale ad, it can greatly reduce your probability of finding the right buyer for your items if you don't post in separate ads. Most classified sites, including ZippyTrader, are optimized to give your ad maximum results in the search engines. Part of this optimization is presenting specific items in a structured format so that they display well when appearing in the search engines. When you mix items in an ad it can confuse the search engine. In some cases the search engine displays the correct ad, but because there are several differing items in the listing the wrong one will be displayed in the search results and a prospective buyer may overlook your ad completely.
No matter how many items you are selling, be sure to post on more than one classifieds site. Posting on multiple sites increases search engine exposure. The various search engines see sites differently. Add localization into the mix and each search engine can give very different result for the same search from a different location, even from the same search engine. Posting on different sites allows you to take advantage of each site's strengths. Some sites do better in metropolitan areas, while other sites like ZippyTrader provide strong results in smaller cities and towns. Take the time to list each item in a separate ad and post across multiple sites to get maximum results.
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